Occupational Health & Safety Training
Sadly it took the tragic death of four workers on December 24th, 2009 for this training to be implemented and become mandatory.
An Expert Advisory Panel reviewed the governance and framework of health and safety in Ontario, as a result of this review, 11 key recommendations were made, one of which is Mandatory Training for front line supervisors and workers.
Effective July 1, 2014 As per the Ministry of Labour
Employers Must:
- Ensure that workers complete a basic occupational health and safety awareness training program as soon as reasonably possible.
- Maintain a record of the training completed by workers and supervisors; and
- Provide a worker or supervisor with written proof of completion of the training, if requested by the worker or supervisor (up to six months after ceasing to work for the employer).
We also provide e-learning online training for all industries! Hands on, in person is the best way to learn, but if you are limited by time, then we've got your solution!
Take a look at the courses available at your fingertips!
Supervisor Competency Training
Each participant who attends our course will leave with a clear understanding of:
- The Duties, Roles & Responsibilities of the Employer, Supervisor, Worker, Health & Safety Representative and JHSC under OHSA
- The Ministry of Labour - Regulations & Guidelines of the Occupational Health & Safety Legislation,
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) - Workers Rights
The Supervisor's role
- regarding the Internal Responsibility System
- how to Utilize the Internal Responsibility System
- the Joint Health & Safety Committee
- how to Identify, Evaluate and Manage Potential Hazards
- how to Address Health & Safety Issues
- obtain Health & Safety Support & Resources
- motivate Workers to Stay Safe & Healthy
- how to Report Health & Safety Concerns
- how to Practice Safe Work Habits
- how to Be a Role Model
- how to Refuse to Work if they are at Risk
- how to Participate only in a Safe Environment
- the Need to Wear Proper Personal Protective Equipment
- how to obtain sources & information on Occupational Health & Safety
- understanding the information and instruction requirements set out in the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Regulation and the need for all employees to be trained
Worker Awareness Training
Each participant who attends our course will leave with a clear understanding of:
- the Duties & Responsibilities of the Employer, Supervisor, Worker, Health & Safety Representative and JHSC, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) and Workers Rights under OHSA, and Health & Safety Associations
- how to Utilize the Internal Responsibility System
- how to Recognize Potential Commonplace Hazards and Occupational Illnesses
- who to Report to Regarding Health & Safety Concerns
- how to Practice Safe Work Habits
- how to Refuse to Work if they are at Risk
- how to Participate only in a Safe Environment
- the Need to Wear Proper Personal Protective Equipment
- how to Be a Role Model
- understanding the information and instruction requirements set out in the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Regulation
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