OHSA Occupational Health & Safety Act 2016 Current Green Book

Occupational Health & Safety

Green Lights can assist you with your compliance needs. This manual is provided to owners, proprietors and managers of small businesses based on the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (OHSA). Customized to your specific industries needs.

The manual should help business employers meet the legal requirements imposed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act of Ontario (OHSA), R.S.O. 1990 and achieve an in-compliance status before an MOL inspection. An excellent resource for all business types.

Green Lights can provide you with the necessary requirements to maintain compliance within OHSA. Providing assistance with the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of the Environment, Health Canada, Reg,. 347 and the TDG Act.

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 S.O. 1997, Chapter 16, Schedule A (the WSIA) is intended to promote health and safety at work, promote the safe and timely return of injured workers back to their jobs and to provide for compensation to injured workers unable to perform their duties.

Under R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 1101, which is a regulation respecting first aid, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (the WSIB) has mandated that every employer shall at all times keep posted in other conspicuous places in the place of employment the Board's poster known as Form 82 respecting the necessity of reporting all accidents and receiving first aid treatment.

Form 82, otherwise known as the In Case of Injury poster, can be emailed FREE of charge to you, from Green Lights Environmental Solutions, Sudbury, ON.
Please contact us at (705)903-8719 or info@greenlightsinc.ca
to request the
WSIB 1-2-3-4 poster link be emailed to you.

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