Health & Safety Representative Training Ontario
GREEN LIGHTS is available to provide training or assist your Health and Safety Representative with all of your compliance needs. HSR Training.
Call us for a NO FEE consultation at (705)903-8719.
As required under Section 8 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), the Health and Safety representative shall be elected by the workers that he/she represents.
The Employer is required to pay the Health and Safety Representative for time spent carrying out the required duties.
Responsibilities of the Health and Safety Representative are to:
- Meet with the Employer every 3 months, to discuss and resolve health and safety issues.
- Follow the guidelines outlined in the Occupational Health & Safety Act.
- Develop, publish and post, at the beginning of each calendar year, a schedule for the monthly workplace inspections for the year
- Conduct workplace inspections on a monthly basis. All substandard acts and working conditions will be documented.
- Review all completed injury/incident and investigation reports. Make recommendations to management to reduce reoccurrences.
- Complete an investigation when a person is killed or critically injured.
- Obtain information from the employer regarding:
- Hazardous materials, processes or equipment
- Designated substances and the respective control-program report
- Workplace testing, that is being carried out for health and safety purposes
- Provide advice and recommendations to management on health and safety programs in general, as outlined below:
(a) Recommendations to management for any items not already identified in the Workplace Inspection Report.
Recommendation to include:
- Area of concern with background information
- Recommend corrective action, and suggested solutions
- Date
(b) The Health & Safety Representative is responsible for ensuring the written recommendations are received by the employer.
9. Encourage fellow employees to work safely and to report hazardous or unsafe conditions immediately to their supervisors.
10. Identify areas of health and safety training for all employees.
11. Be present for, or assist in, work refusal investigations.
12. Be available to accompany a Ministry of Labour Officer on his/her inspection tour of the workplace.
As per the Ministry of Labour:
Generally speaking, a health and safety representative has the same responsibilities and powers as a joint health and safety committee member. These include the responsibility to inspect the workplace at least once a month [OHSA Section 8(6)], and the power to:
- identify workplace hazards [OHSA Section 8(10)];
- be consulted about workplace testing [OHSA Section 8(11)];
- make recommendations to the employer [section 8(10)]; and
- investigate work refusals [OHSA Section 43(4)] and serious accidents [ OHSA Section 8(14)].
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