HazMat Magazine
As per HazMat magazine:
Training Requirements in Ontario � Waste Transport Vehicles
January 26, 2017 by John Nicholson
The Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) recently updated the Guideline for Training Requirements for Drivers of Waste Transportation Vehicles (Guideline C-12, PIBS 7914e01).
The driver training guidelines are applicable for drivers who transport municipal waste, liquid industrial waste or hazardous waste.
Ontario�s General � Waste Regulation (Ontario Regulation 347) under the Ontario Environmental Protection Act ensures that wastes are effectively managed from the point of their generation to where they are ultimately processed or disposed of. To provide this necessary control, the regulation includes definitions for different waste types and detailed requirements for a range of waste management activities. The updated guideline deals with one of the major responsibilities for the transportation of municipal waste, liquid industrial waste or hazardous waste: driver training.
The Guidelines outline the major areas that drivers of vehicles used for the transportation of municipal waste, liquid industrial waste or hazardous waste need to be trained on which includes:
- The operation of the vehicle and waste management equipment,
- Relevant waste management legislation, regulations and guidelines,
- Major environmental concerns for the waste to be handled,
- Occupational health and safety concerns for the waste to be handled, and
- Emergency management procedures.
For more information on driver training requirements, contact the us!